Thursday, April 16, 2009

Moving on. . . to April

Is it just me or was anyone else irritated that the main stream media refused to report on the Tax Tea parties across the country?  I didn't even know these were taking place until I turned to the Fox News Channel. I like to switch up news channels every once in a while to get other points of view, but I ended up realizing- once again- how biased the news really is.  Seriously!  The main topic of one news channel was still STILL the President's new dog.  WHO CARES about the President's dog!!!  They knew they couldn't fill all of their time with the dog, so they reported on nothing about Obama prepping for his trip to Mexico.  In other words- they were struggling to fill in any air time so they wouldn't have to cover the "extremists" who care about the fiscal irresponsibility that is going on in our government. 
I ended up watching a lot of what was going on across the country- thanks to Fox News.  I'm usually not an outspoken person on news channels and how ridiculous they are- but yesterday- a majority of them were ridiculous.  I've already gone through my frustrating times with the media while JC was in Iraq- it will never end!  I just wish I could actually trust the news- it sounds cliche- but I would really like a news channel "I could trust."  They all have their own agenda and it's disappointing.  
I hope everyone got their taxes turned in on time:-)  I can't believe it's already the middle of April!  I wish it felt like April, but instead- Today- it feels like January.  No wonder I went on a rant in the beginning of this post.  I think this weather is making me irritable.  As much as I love fresh powder up on the slopes, I'm ready for Spring time weather!!!  Speaking of the slopes- JC and I decided to celebrate our birthdays together by going skiing last Friday.  It was perfect!  My camera only lasted for one picture and then died.  That's ok though because this is a good one:-)

We also celebrated our birthdays together over at JC's parent's house.  JC's mom made us our favorite meal (the one we came to an agreement on) and then she made our favorite desserts.  Mine of course, as always, the cookie cake.  Thanks Cyd!

JC's birthday just so happened to land on the Saturday of Conference weekend, so I persuaded JC's best friend and his cousin Mark to come over with their families in between the last session of Conference and Priesthood.  JC's mom was able to come up as well.  The cake I made for JC looked pretty ghetto, but it definitely tasted good!

I love conference weekend for many reasons.  I LOVE President Monson and all those who serve and I'm thankful for the messages they share with us every April and October of each year as well as their messages provided in the Ensign.  I am grateful for all that they do and pray for them daily.   For any of my friends who aren't of my faith- you can click here to find out more:-)
Tucker wore his snazzy PJs to listen and I made him a Mickey Mouse pancake Sunday morning, even though he has no idea who Mickey Mouse is yet. 
Tucker- ready for Conference;-)  Yeah Right!

And then of course Easter.  I am so thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ.  It's easy to worry about what I'm going to put in Tucker's Easter basket or what we are going to do for his Easter Egg hunt, what he's going to wear, etc when I really should be worried about how I am going to teach my son of the Savior of this world and how important his life, sacrifice and atonement was and is to each of us.  I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to teach Tucker:-)  

Tucker was able to go to our ward/neighborhood Easter egg hunt Saturday morning.

Then, the next day- on Sunday- Tucker went to Nursery for the very first time!!!!  He's such a big boy!  It was hard to believe that this day actually came.  He did so well!  He didn't cry or even flinch when JC and I left the room.  He played the entire two hours.  I was the one going and looking through the window of the room every 15 min or so.  I was so proud of him!  He's amazing!!! 
This is Tucker right after church.  He wasn't too enthusiastic about taking pictures- he just wanted to blow bubbles. 

We thought Meg could come over and cheer him up:-) 

After church, we went to my in-laws for another Easter egg hunt and dinner.  Tucker had a blast of course.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter:-)



becky said...

beautiful family beth! and yes, i'm SO tired of this stinkin' snow, will it ever end???

noelle said...

happy birthday, happy easter, congratulations on a full-fledged toddler/nursery-goer. good times, beth! everyone looks darling as always. here's to warmer weather for you! love you. :)

Melissa Hodgen said...

Happy Birthday JC and Beth! Looks like some yummy cakes. I'll send you some of our hot weather. I can't believe we've turned on our air conditioning.
I love pancakes on Conference morning. You did a fabulous mickey pancake.