Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Things to do this Fall

1. Waste a lot of money on gas driving through the canyons. Fall doesn't last very long, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible. (JC's Aunt Jen took these pictures- Unbelievable!!!)

2. Take Tucker to a BYU football game and take him to his daddy's football games:-)

3. Bake as much as possible. I don't know what happens to me, but when fall comes, I love to Bake and Cook! I'll have to post some recipes soon.

4. Go to Gardner Village

5. Take Tucker on a hay ride up at Sundance

6. Go Hiking in the canyon- check!

7. Watch Women's Conference up at the Conference Center- check! Thanks GIMI!!! (JC's mom got tickets for the girls to go last weekend)

8. Take Tucker to the Barnyard Boo at Thanksgiving Point

9. Decorate our front door with Fall decorations- check!

10. Take JC and Tucker back to Georgia for my 10 year reunion:-)

If anyone has any other suggestions of what I might be able to do to enjoy this season- let me know!


Leslie said...

Did I see Pumpkin Carving on there?

AND- since you like baking...have you tried baked cinnimon apples? ohhh they are yummy....core a green apple (but leave the bottom so its like a bowl) put a dolop of butter in the bottom, then add nuts or raisins (or neither). mix together cinnimon and brown sugar, then fill to the top of the apple. bake at 350 for 30-40 min....oooooh you will deffinitely feel like its fall!!!!

:) Leslie

Rachelle said...

oh i LOVE fall. i only wish it wasn't 91 freaking degrees right now. ugh! i'm missing that crisp, cool air.

those pictures in the canyon are beautiful! you guys looks so cute! hope you are doing well!

Lauren said...

Hey Beth! I am coming up to Utah next week and seeing your pictures made me SO excited! I can't wait to see the Fall Colors. In Texas we were just playing on the slip 'n slide at 8:00 tonight! I'd love to see you when we're in town!

Leslie said...

I would LOVE to do your pics....start thinking of where...and when...then email me or give me a call. 652-6300



The Tuck Family said...

Ooh, Ooh, I know.....get Coldplay tickets!!!! November 22nd and I am soooo excited! I love your fall blog and home decor...what a little homemaker you are!

Melissa Hodgen said...

I don't have anymore ideas but you've given me a few. Our trees are still green here!

noelle said...

oh, your post made me miss utah and all the fun stuff that went along with that crisp autumn air there. :( miss you, too! i have to get out to utah sometime soon! love ya.

Tara said...

I am going to follow your fun list! You have great idea's, I'll skip out on the class reunion though! Hope you are doing great! I ran into Matt at Cafe Rio, good to see him.

Douglass Family said...

I love fall too! your fall pictures are beautiful!