Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy 75th Birthday Grammy!

JC's Grammy turned 75 this year and you would think she was only 45! She is in amazing shape and she is ALWAYS happy!
JC's mom put a book together for her and everyone in the family had to write one thing they've learned from her, and this is what I wrote-

The one thing I have learned from grammy is to never speak poorly of anyone. I've never heard her say one bad thing about anyone and that is something I admire so much about her. I love grammy's positive outlook on life and the way she stops to smell the roses. She truly enjoys life to the fullest! I've loved grammy from the moment I met her. I do feel as though she is just as much my grammy as she is JC's grammy. I love her so much and I'm so grateful to have her amazing influence in my life as well as Tucker's life. Thanks for everything Grammy!

Yesterday, everyone surprised her and took her up to Sundance to hike Stewart Falls. She loves the canyon and loves being with her family- so we hope she enjoyed her birthday!
Tucker got off to a rough start, but as soon as his daddy started running around with him, he was fine.


noelle said...

oh, bestill my heart. that pic of tucker snuggling into your cheek... priceless.

Jessica Davis said...

LOVE that last picture of Tucker. It was so fun having you guys over last night. We must do it again soon.

Melissa Hodgen said...

I hope I look like that when I'm 75. Seeing pics of you and Tucker gets me excited for Adam to start doing more than eating a pooping.