Monday, September 8, 2008

Football Season....

JC loves his football, and he's pretty darn lucky to have a wife that loves watching it as well or at least doesn't mind having it on- ALL OF THE TIME. Just kidding:-)
I have my reasons or loving football season.
1. It's on during my favorite time of year- FALL.

2. I love going for teams against my husband's teams- because he is soooo competitive. I've won a few bets over the past three years. He loves the Bears, and if I had to choose my top three NFL teams, they would be
a. The Falcons- because I'm from Georgia
b. The Colts- I've loved Peyton Manning ever since he played for Tennessee. I also think he has the funniest commercials on Television
c. The Redskins- the only NFL game I've actually been to is a Redskins game and as much as I love the cheap seats, I was able to watch from a box with catered food. Shashasha:-)
----It's pretty much a given that my college team is BYU. I do love watching the SEC games too.

My third reason for loving football season is that it gives us an excuse to have friends over for parties.
This past Sunday, we had Mykelle, Riley and Bella over to watch the Bears vs. the Colts. Fun times!!!


Kadyn Smith said...

Sounds fuuuuunnn! WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO CALI.... I miss you guys! .......and Tucker OFCOURSE!!!

Sara said...

Tucker is so stinking cute. It's crazy that I haven't seen you guys in years but I love seeing pictures of your cute boy. If you guys ever want to come down to a USC game let me know. There's supposed to be pretty crazy.

What's Mykelle up to? How fun that you keep up with everyone.

becky said...

how fun! it's always fun to get together with friends...

so i'm a jump skip and a hope away...

Melissa Hodgen said...

Like Father Like Son. Love the new background paper! I hope you win some more bets this season!

Melissa said...

We love football season at our house too! Thank heavens you threw the Cougars in your mix.
Tucker looks so cute in his little jersey. Stud man!