Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year

I'm so bad at blogging these days that I thought I would just go ahead and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year at the same time because I can guarantee I won't be posting again until 2010.
I've been so blessed throughout my life in so many ways. There are days that I forget that, and I'm ashamed to ever come across as ungrateful for anything. I thank my Heavenly Father EVERY day for my husband and my son. There isn't a single item on this earth I cherish more than my family and I know that because of my Savior- I will be with them forever. Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer gives purpose to my life. I know who I am because of Him. I'm thankful for His birth, His Life, His teachings and His Atoning Sacrifice. I'm thankful for Joseph Smith and the restoration of the gospel in these latter days. It is because he saw our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, that I am even aware that my Heavenly Father hears my prayers, just as he heard Joseph Smith's prayer in the Sacred Grove. That is my testimony and there is no conclusion to it. I just wish I could say it as eloquently as President Hinckley and the 12 apostles did back in January of 2000.

Merry Christmas!

PS- I took Tucker to visit my family down in California. We missed JC so much while we were there. Tucker had so much fun at Disneyland and Wild Animal Planet.


noelle said...

merry christmas, beth! your dad is the cutest in these pics! love you guys.

Tara Hoppie said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony, it is beautiful. You are one awesome lady! Tucker is such a cute boy and I love the pics you posted of him in Cali.

Torrey said...

What the... I just looked at your blog are noticed we had the exact same blog title for our posts. Weird, I promise I didnt' copy... we just are that on the same page. Your family is adorable!