Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Checking In-

It's hard to believe I haven't done a single post since 2008:-) I've been thinking it over though and I have finally made up my mind on blogging.
I plan on doing updates once a month- maybe twice. I have been so frustrated that I can't turn my blog into a journal- so I've been exploring other options. Yes- the blogger and I are going to be on a little break.
I'll keep it up for friends and family who are far away, but that's about it. Which means I will more than likely go private soon.
I'm actually excited about this because I'm going to start using LDS journal. I can be a lot more personal and write more about my son than I can on my blog. PLUS. . . I can turn those posts into a book.
So check back in every once and a while and if I don't have your email address, let me know what it is. I'll get it straight to my email before it is published on here- so I won't even have to post it in my comments. That way random people won't get your email. Even if you are a friend of a friend of a friend- or whoever. Let me know and I'll invite you to have access to my blog:-)

On another note! I have to brag. . . . My cousin is out of control. She is all over the place. I just picked up "W" magazine last month because she was on the cover- and don't mind the fact that Brad Pitt came right after and sometime before her was Angelina!!! Plus she is now on the cover of Vogue for February- Looking very beautiful!!! Anyway- she presented an award at the Golden Globes this past Sunday with DWIGHT!!!! He's my favorite Office character!!! Anyway- I'm a little proud:-)


Rachelle said...

i need to call you and talk about this lds journal thing....

Jason and Rachel Turner said...

I want to be invited to the new blog!!

Kristin Izant said...

Beth is Kristin Izant...add me to your blog for sure if you go private. And...I need to see you again soon...me, you and Tor should meet up for lunch sometime.


Melissa said...

Love her.

My mom turned my blog into a book for Christmas gift. It is a treasure. Let me know if you want the details. It's just blurb that doesn't do blogger - there are other companies that do. It really is incredible. I love it.

Kelly Evanson said...

don't forget to invite me!! i have done the same. i can only blog about once a month. i just have too much to catch up on before this next baby comes!! talk to you later. loved all your posts!!