Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Melissa Hodgen said...

I have a nagging feeling the election didn't go the way you or I had hoped.

noelle said...

living in a different country definitely makes one appreciate the freedoms we enjoy as united states citizens.

btw, they celebrate something called "day of the dead" here in mexico on nov. 2nd. people do dress up and trick or treat here, but they trick or treat from like oct 28 - nov 2. it's kinda crazy. but also, where we live, it's not as safe to trick or treat like it is in a suburban neighborhood back in the states... :) you're right, though. should've blogged about this... maybe i still will!

Stacy Fusitua' said...

Hi Beth, Its Stacy Shinnick aka Fusitu'a now. Its Chattanooga Stake reunion on your blog post!!! Love it! I always go on your blog through Noelle or Mel. What a beautiful family and a handsome little guy you have....so cute!! Check out my blog and I'm going to add you if you don't mind to my blog. I need to be better like Noelle and blog every other day because with kids we all have some new adventure. Can't wait to catch up. Love Stacy
ps Gosh Beth everytime I think of you I go back to the EFY in Atlanta when we were "The Spice Girls" for the talent show. Do you remember how everyone screamed....they loved us!!!